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Odessa Bulgar

This tune was recorded by accordionist Mishka Ziganoff in New York in the 1920s. He was not Jewish, but played a lot of Jewish music and even spoke Yiddish!

It’s an upbeat tune, in the Freygish mode, in a Freylekhs/Bulgar dance style.


S'iz Nito Keyn Nekhtn

There is a song, wordless nign (tune) and various instrumental versions of this rousing melody, in the Freygish mode.


Dave's Nign

This tune lightens the mood after a slow improv ('Rumenishe Doyne') played by legendary klezmer clarinettist Dave Tarras. A cheerful tune - the recording we followed for the NKYO version is in a playful style, complete with a slide whistle!

The mode is Misheberakh and the dance style is Freylekhs/Bulgar.


Kiev Freylekhs

A major key romp with an optional chorus inviting us to 'play it again' (shpil es nokh a mol)! You can hear lots of options for variation in the Naftule Brandwein version.

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